nal restaurant. It's to die for. With its' tiny oil and salt dispensers and chairs with hearts cut out, I felt like a princess in my own magical castle. Truly extraordi
nary! When we had to pick a pre ...
6 years, 7 months ago
nana peel out of her tote bag and stated for the first time on a stage that she was a lesbian. The poet, , has this style where she tells a deeper truth by not always telling the truth. Especially for...
6 years, 7 months ago
name of adre
naline, friendship and BMX. Antwerp must be a dream for the average urban athlete. Plenty of rails, stairs, bowls and even full parks are littered around town and get a lot of wheels ridin...
6 years, 7 months ago
native for the main party circuit. An open air party was the last thing on their bucket list. As the music stops at 11 pm, most guests will agree this shouldn't be the last edition. Hopefully to be co...
6 years, 7 months ago
nal theatre festival took place. Not all groups where selected to play at the festival and eight of these excluded companies decided to simply (p)artycrash the festival and play on the side, in b...
6 years, 7 months ago
Blog | This is antwerp We'll keep you updated about hidden hotspots & hangouts, selected and approved by antwerp locals Search form Search Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Fil...
6 years, 7 months ago
na Toth: Freunde Von Freunden Second in line is a ravishing lady from Berlin that goes by the
name of Zsuzsan
na Toth. Berlin based Zsuzsan
na is the ma
naging editor for the inter
nally known magazi...
6 years, 7 months ago
namic city that it is today: creative people. #stoked We're super stoked. #ThisIsFi
nallyHapening. Hard to believe we're only 3 nights away from letting 12 inter
nal guests see/meet/taste/feel/smel...
6 years, 7 months ago
nal artists’ drawings and zines. We have consciously decided to not feature any artist from the last editions so we could give new people a chance. A last tip: we are looking for an intern for ne...
6 years, 7 months ago
nal D.A.T.E. guests Zsuzsan
na Toth, who ma
nages the inter
nal aspect of the website. TIA: Can you tell a bit more about the website? Zsuzsan
na : Freunde von Freunden started five years ago wh...
6 years, 7 months ago