ind the bar. I don’t even remember how I got
into the cocktail th
ing exactly. It just got
into my head and it never left. I th
ink I'm one of the lucky few that makes a liv
ing do
ing what he loves, ever...
6 jaren, 7 maanden geleden
in-chief of a renowned fashion magaz
ine... I'm kidd
ing. I'm actually grateful I got to be there aga
in, no matter what row I'm
in. Honestly . Unfortunately the people
in the third row did not share my ...
6 jaren, 7 maanden geleden
Blog | This is antwerp We'll keep you updated about hidden hotspots & hangouts, selected and approved by antwerp locals Search form Search Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Fil...
6 jaren, 7 maanden geleden
in the world, but it is someth
ing we are all
in. Someth
ing we come across everyday. Also, the cloth
industry is one of the most pollut
industries. I wanted to raise awareness for th...
6 jaren, 7 maanden geleden
ine. A constant stream of Antwerp events. We don't want to brag, but if you're visit
ing Antwerp and you're look
ing for bars, hangouts, events, museums or just some random
inspiration, the This Is Antw...
6 jaren, 7 maanden geleden
ing all the mach
inery. You can go there for, yes you guessed it, 3D pr
ing, but they also have a screen pr
int corner, a laser cutter, a CNC mill
ing mach
ine and a v
inyl cutter. Don’t let this list fo...
6 jaren, 7 maanden geleden
ine and d
ine all night with friends. Seats are limited and when it’s busy, you will probably eat your fries stand
ing up. Not uncommon for a frituur…
In short, everyth
in Frites Atelier is part of t...
6 jaren, 7 maanden geleden
intc Be
ing crazy
in love with Antwerp, Laetitia couldn’t resist to become a part of the This Is Antwerp -crew. Grow
ing up
in a mixed family, she loves the diversity her city has to offer. Fro...
6 jaren, 7 maanden geleden
ing. Laura has been photograph
ing for a while and dur
ing her travels she started tak
ing pictures of little details. Those small pieces of the world, she transforms
into beautiful r
ings and pandants. A...
6 jaren, 7 maanden geleden
ing up, I could spend hours draw
ing and writ
in a way to understand and reflect on the fasc
ing world around me. I just never stopped do
ing that and now we here. Also, I'm just here for the free...
6 jaren, 7 maanden geleden