Blog | This is antwerp We'll keep you updated about hidden hotspots & hangouts, selected and approved by antwerp locals Search form Search Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Fil...
6 years, 7 months ago
installation of white str
ings hang
ing down from the ceil
ing on the other side. No need for music
in Talk to the Demon though you can’t say the play is silent. The shitty kid
in the performance takes c...
6 years, 7 months ago
in da Jungle’ . When you enter the venue you see the box
ing r
ing, the big band beh
ind the box
ing r
ing, the fighters, the dancers and the s
ingers. Talk
ing about an eye opener! It’s an enterta
ining spe...
6 years, 7 months ago
in my own magical castle. Truly extraord
inary! When we had to pick a pre d
inner cocktail I couldn't resist to choose a glass of champagne (a genu
ine pr
incess dr
ink right?) but my amaz
ing pr
6 years, 7 months ago
incarnate the Holy Virg
in Mary at the procession
in their town, because he th
inks this is the only way she can “get fixed”. For the people who are not familiar with all the l
ingo: an
intersex person i...
6 years, 7 months ago
in m
inutes upon arriv
ing some old riders had taken it upon them to
include me
in their
jeers and banter, effectively end
ing any feel
ing of alienation I might have had. That also made it easier to mak...
6 years, 7 months ago
inition of the party when I arrive around 6pm. About 200 people are hang
ing out and sitt
in the grass, enjoy
ing one of the last sunny summer days of 2014. A handful of people are danc
ing to Rick Sh...
6 years, 7 months ago
information about Fr
in general and the
in specific. S
ince I like be
ing well prepared for a festival, I figured I might as well share my f
ings with you
in a blog. The concept of a Fr
inge Festiv...
6 years, 7 months ago
Blog | This is antwerp We'll keep you updated about hidden hotspots & hangouts, selected and approved by antwerp locals Search form Search Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Fil...
6 years, 7 months ago
in l
ine is a ravish
ing lady from Berl
in that goes by the name of Zsuzsanna Toth. Berl
in based Zsuzsanna is the manag
ing editor for the
internationally known magaz
ine . This awesome magaz
ine is known f...
6 years, 7 months ago