Droevig nieuws vanuit HYC. De supporters hebben wellicht de afwezigheid van Preston Shupe opgemerkt tijdens trainingen en wedstrijd deze week. Winny, hun dochtertje, werd deze week opgenomen in het ziekenhuis.
Preston meldt : 'On Tuesday we were admitted to Herentals hospital as our daughter Winnie was having seizures. We were then transferred to Leuven Academic hospital. While they were searching for a cause for her seizures they discovered a heart problem which is now our main concern.
Our hope is through further testing the doctors will be able to find the cause so we can get the best treatment possible. The last few days have been very hard but our little girl is still smiling.
We could not have gotten through the last days or through the days to come without our Belgian and Hockey family. Thank you all so much. Please send good thoughts to Winnie.
Love, Preston, Mariah and Winnie"
'Onze gedachten gaan uit naar Preston, Mariah en kleine Winny', zet An Janssens HYC. 'HYC gaat al het mogelijke doen om hen te helpen.
Via loopt een geldinzamelingsactie die opgericht is in samenwerking met HYC. We hopen op massale steun!'