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Bar GLOED x A-Tower

Bar GLOED x A-Tower | This is antwerp
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3 May 2016

Bar GLOED x A-Tower

Categories Food & Drinks, Life
Tags A-Tower, Summer bar, bar, pop-up, summer

With the opening of Bar GLOED, Antwerp has got a new place to hang out this summer. It's located in the A-Tower, not exactly one of Antwerp's prettiest buildings, at the Keyserlei and it's the first hang out to open in Flanders' largest pop-up concept.

While standing in front of the tower you immediately understand the name of the bar: from far away you can recognize the tower by its reflective golden windows. It's probably one of Antwerp's ugliest buildings, but also one of the biggest in town. There are 24 floors, 800 square metres each, and the tower offers a 360° panoramic view.

The location of the bar, the 4th floor of the tower, is unique. From the terrace you have a great view on the Keyserlei, Antwerp's Central Station and the Meir. Outside it feels as if you are in a park, with pick nick tables, streetlights, bamboo plants and a pond. Kids are playing in the water while their parents are sitting in the sun, at the table beside them young hipsters are having a glass of wine, while an older couple is having coffee with fresh croissants. Bar GLOED is a real reflection of the melting pot that Antwerp is.

If you want to order something you have to go inside, where there's a nice urban vibe. The bars are made of wood and metal and are just beautiful. The counters are piled with fresh fruits and vegetables. The view alone makes you hungry, luckily Bar GLOED serves a lot of food and drinks. You can have breakfast, lunch and diner, so you can easily spend the day there. And you won’t get bored, because inside you can find some unexpected entertainment, like a swing and tennis tables. After dinner the party goes on, you can have drinks while listing to some nice music and if you feel like dancing: just go for it!

Bar GLOED is one of those places that feels like home and makes you not want to leave. The owners of the bar totally got that and it's no wonder why they are open from 11.00 a.m. till 2.00 a.m.

At Bar GLOED everyday feels like a never-ending day of summer. A really nice spot to go and checkout!

More A-Tower

But Bar GLOED is just one concept that found its place in the A-Tower. Until October 2016, this will be the place to be. Almost every floor has to offer something, ranging from parties over study rooms and escape rooms to workspaces for creative entrepreneurs.

For more information check or .

A-Tower & Bar GLOEDKeyserlei 5Open from 11:00 AM till 2:00 AM


Text by Marian van Sprakelaar

Pics by Pascal Vandecasteele & A-Tower


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